Freedom for Animals
Freedom for Animals began as the Captive Animals’ Protection Society in 1957 and is one of the UK’s longest-running charities working to protect animals.
Through a combination of undercover investigations, research, campaigns, grassroots activism, political lobbying and education, our work for animals focuses predominantly on issues affecting those individuals held captive in circuses, zoos and aquariums, as well as those used in the television and film industry, live animal displays and the exotic pet trade.
We take action to end the captivity of animals, especially those used for entertaining the public in zoos, circuses and the media industry.
We carry out investigations and research to provide a solid evidence base for our campaigns and political lobbying.
Our educational work and awareness-raising promotes a more compassionate attitude and relationship between humans and other animals.
We work to influence policy-makers at the highest level whilst supporting grassroots activism which we believe is the very foundation of Freedom for Animals.
We work in partnership with organisations that share our values and amplify our campaigns.
In 1957, a dissenting voice against the enthusiasm for zoos and circuses emerged in the form of retired school teacher, Irene Heaton. She was appalled by the suffering that animals were subjected to as part of the entertainment industry and founded the organisation which was to become Freedom for Animals (then named Captive Animals’ Protection Society). Her aim was to bring about a change in both practices and attitudes. And so it was that Freedom for Animals was born.
CAPS works to free animals from exploitation in captivity, CAPS has long fought against animal suffering in circuses and zoos.
Over the last six decades, we have been busy making great strides in animal protection.
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